A specialized service partner of the global insurance industry.

Providing insurers with strong support, stability and long-term peace of mind through service excellence since 2010.

The Philippine Offshoring Industry Advantage:

ISSI’s specialized business process solutions

Boost efficiency and reduce costs with insurance-focused solutions

ISSI Corp helps you adapt to the unique challenges of today.

Insurers need to look ahead to drive operational efficiency, greater customer satisfaction, and future relevance. Without the right service partner, businesses will struggle to sustain growth and profitability, or worse, lose market share to competitors.

It doesn't have to be that way for your organization.

power card

Give your revenue team a boost with Integrated Sales Solutions and Revenue Digital Assistants

Missed revenue opportunities can be stressful and can put your business at risk.

Scaling up your customer outreach without driving up costs or burning out employees is almost impossible – at least, if you’re still not making the most of the combined power of human talent and AI technology.

power card

Supercharge your growth cost-effectively and with higher ROI today.

Leverage our Integrated Sales Solutions and our partner, Conversica’s Revenue Digital AssistantsTM to keep your Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success pipelines moving forward.

We work alongside your team to drive revenue-generating conversations that influence and persuade at every stage of the customer lifecycle. At the same time, we create time for you to focus on high-value, complex, and strategic activities.

Solutions & Services

Insurance-focused Business Process Solutions

Offshore your insurance business processes to ISSI Corp to streamline operations, gain a competitive advantage and ensure profitable growth in tough times.

Contact Center Solutions

Elevate your customer experience & maximize cost savings

Back-office Support

Free up time from routine tasks & increase operational efficiency

Sales & Marketing

Build high-quality pipelines & achieve scalable customer growth

Why choose ISSI Corp?

We enjoy supporting your business to go to the next level with our consistently high-performing workforce and innovation.

ISSI Corp provides insurance-focused business process solutions whether outsourced or joint venture that help insurers grow profitably and focus on high-level and strategically important work.

12+ Years of Experience
Insurance-focused expertise
1,250+ associates
Trusted by 8 of the top 10 US Life Insurers
Trusted by 1 of the top IT Service Companies in the world
Transform your business with ease with our insurance offshore solutions.
Book A Consultation
The ISSI Corp Advantage

We strive to deliver long-term peace of mind for all stakeholders.

  • Service excellence
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Scalable business processes
  • Continuity & predictability of operations
  • Highly adaptable systems
  • Data security
Property & Casualty
Client Roster: Geography
usa United States Australia Australia

What our client’s customers say

“Very pleasant. Very informative. Customer service was excellent!”

“I wanted to let you know how great a job Bryan did. He was very pleasant. Very informative. His customer service was excellent so I just want to give him a good ‘kudos’ because he has done an excellent job.”

“Patient, Compassionate and Empathetic! A great job representing your company.”

“Elon was fantastic. He was very patient with me. He was compassionate and empathetic. Kudos to him. He’s doing a great job representing your company. I just want to make sure I point out the positive when I see it.”

Our Partnerships & Associations

Collaborating for Success

issi partnership
issi partnership